Your first adventure of University life starts here!

Aristotelis in turn
participants every year
sleepless nights


Where to begin?

Get to know you faculty!

The biggest student festival in Latvia starts with a proper warm-up, with each faculty welcoming its new students in their own spaces to introduce them in advance to traditions, legends, learning styles, and other experiences.

Next stop


1. SEPTEMBRĪ PLKST. 18:00 we will be waiting for you along with your classmates in the official part. (ENTRENCE IS FREE)

After the official part by Aristotle, you will have the opportunity to enjoy your first university party in an informal atmosphere at Raiņa bulvāris 19! (Please make sure to buy a ticket)

Some things never change

Looking back

Want to go on a nostalgia trip?

See here how students before you celebrated Aristotelis!

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